Getting Started
- Welcome to FireBoard
- FireBoard Account & App Download
- Activate Your FireBoard
- Account & Activation FAQ
- Specifications
- Connect to Bluetooth
- Bluetooth FAQ
- Connect to WiFi
- WiFi FAQ
FireBoard App & Cloud
- Introduction
- Dashboard
- Sessions
- Alerts
- FireBoard Analyze™
- Advanced Settings
- Voice Control Devices
- FireBoard Cloud API
- FireBoard App & Cloud FAQ
FireBoard 2 Series
- FBX2 Series - Operations
- FBX2 Series - Screen Views
- FBX2 Series - Probes
- FBX2 Series - Device Specifications
- FBX2 Series - FAQ
FireBoard Spark
- Spark - Overview
- Spark - Settings
- Spark - Power Management
- Spark - Device Specifications
- Spark - FAQ
FireBoard Pulse
- Pulse - Overview
- Pulse - Getting Started
- Pulse - Device Specifications
- Pulse - FAQ
- Pulse - Troubleshooting
FireBoard Beacon
- Beacon - Overview
- Beacon - Getting Started
- Beacon - Device Specifications
- Beacon - FAQ
FireBoard (FBX11)
- FBX11 - Operations
- FBX11 - Screen Views
- FBX11 - Probes
- FBX11 - Device Specifications
- FBX11 - FAQ
Yoder ACS Controller
- FireBoard + Yoder
- Yoder FAQ
Drive Operations
- Drive - Overview
- Drive - Fan Installation
- Drive - Using a Fan
- Drive - Programs
- Drive - Settings
- Drive - Blower Specifications
- Drive - FAQ
- Probe Types
- Dimensions
- Accuracy
- Calibration
- Probe Care & Maintenance
- Probe FAQ
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Power Test
- Battery
- Diagnostics & Log Files
- Repairs & Warranty
- Factory Reset
- Water Damage
- FireBoard Beta Program
FBX2 Series - Screen Views
For the purposes of this guide, the top of the Fireboard has the FireBoard logo and the bottom has the probe and charging ports.
Multi-Channel Temp View
Using the top button, navigate to the Multi-Channel View.
On this display, pressing the middle button will change the channel selection. Once the desired channel is selected, simply stop pressing the button.
The bottom button will cycle through two different view options for the channels:
- Channel Label: Default is Channel 1, Channel 2, etc. You can customize your channel labels in the FireBoard App.
- Sparkline: A “mini graph” displays below the temperature.
Single Channel Temp View
Using the top button, navigate to the Single Channel View. You can change the selected channel by pressing the middle button. Pressing the bottom button will display Drive information if you have a fan connected. More information about using a fan can be found in the Drive Operations section.
The FBX2 requires the FireBoard Drive Cable in order to use a fan, while the FBX2D and FBX2K allow a fan to plug directly into the unit. The FireBoard was designed to be compatible with a majority of fans on the market: make sure you are familiar with the compatible fan requirements.
Channel Graph View
This screen shows the graph of the temperature for the selected channel; use the top button to navigate to this screen. Press the middle button to change the selected channel being viewed.
On this screen, pressing the bottom button will adjust the temperature chart range, as indicated in the bottom right corner. Options are:
- One minute (1M)
- Thirty minutes (30M)
- One hour (1H)
- Twelve hour (12H)
Multi-Channel Temp & Single Channel Graph
After pressing the top bottom to arrive at this screen, you’ll see the temperatures for all channels with probes along the top and a graph of the selected channel temperatures at the bottom. Pressing the middle button will change the selected channel so you can view a different temperature graph. As with the Single Channel Graph View, the bottom button adjusts the temperature chart range, with 1M, 30M, 1H, and 12H options.