
The Dashboard is the page you land on when you open the App. If you are not currently running a session, the most recent session date will be displayed at the top.

When the App is opened and a session is in progress (the FireBoard is on and a probe is connected), you have two view options: “Detail” and “Chart”.

Chart View

If you are in the Summary view (previously known as Detail view), tap “Chart” in the top right corner.

The Chart View will display current real-time temperatures across the top of the screen. The temperature data is also rendered into the chart at the bottom of the screen. Tapping a data series on the chart will display time and temperature information about the highlighted point. Double tapping or pinching the chart will zoom in to a smaller time resolution; drag the chart left or right to pan through the time series.

Tapping the three dots next to the session title allows you to:

Tapping the session title bar will display a Session Detail page. Here you can view the session chart and swipe right to view Session Notes and photos. Tapping the Pencil icon will also allow you to edit the session. Learn more about sessions here.

If a fan is connected, tap “Drive” in the top right to change Drive views.

Drive Views Gif

See the Drive section to learn more about Drive functions.

Summary View

If you are in Chart view, tap “Summary” in the top right corner.

The Summary view provides a more detailed view of your current temperature data. The channels are stacked vertically down the screen, displaying not only the current temperature but also the max/min values of alerts set, a last updated timestamp, and a sparkline chart displaying the channel’s temperature data.

Tapping the channel row will open the Channel Info screen where you can change your channel label, add alerts, and manage notifications.

Tapping the sparkline chart for the channel will open the Single Channel View screen, featuring a zoomable chart for the channel’s data as well as a date range tool to view historical temperature data. Up to two weeks of data can be displayed on a single channel chart. The Calendar icon in the top allows you to change the time range view while the Pencil takes to you to the Channel Info option.

Customizing Channels

In the Summary view, tapping on the left side of a channel row, near the temperature and channel name, allows you to customize the channel via the Channel Info screen.

Channel Info Screen 1
Channel Info Screen 2

To change the channel name, tap the current channel name then enter the new channel name.

To change the channel color, tap the current channel color circle and select your preferred color from the available palette.

You can also set an alert and manage notifications on the Channel Info screen.

Channel Info Screen 1
Channel Info Screen 2

Tapping on the right side of the channel row, on the chart, shows the Channel Detail screen. The Calendar/Clock icon allows you to view different time ranges for the channel. The Pencil icon will take you to the Channel Info screen. You can tap the channel name/temperature on the left on this screen to reach the Channel Info options.