Getting Started
- Welcome to FireBoard
- FireBoard Account & App Download
- Activate Your FireBoard
- Account & Activation FAQ
- Specifications
- Connect to Bluetooth
- Bluetooth FAQ
- Connect to WiFi
- WiFi FAQ
FireBoard App & Cloud
- Introduction
- Dashboard
- Sessions
- Alerts
- FireBoard Analyze™
- Advanced Settings
- Voice Control Devices
- FireBoard Cloud API
- FireBoard App & Cloud FAQ
FireBoard 2 Series
- Operations
- Screen Views
- Probes
- Device Specifications
- FBX2 Series FAQ
FireBoard Spark
- Operation
- Menu Options
- AutoHold
- Power Management
- Firmware
- Device Specifications
FireBoard Pulse
- Product Overview and Setup Guide
FireBoard Beacon
- FireBoard Beacon
- Specifications
FireBoard (FBX11)
- FBX11 Operations
- FBX11 Screen Views
- FBX11 Probes
- FBX11 Specifications
Yoder ACS Controller
- FireBoard + Yoder
- Yoder FAQ
Drive Operations
- Drive Basics
- Drive Fan Cable
- Compatible Fans
- Drive Blower
- Fan Installation
- Powering Your Fan
- Using a Fan with Fire
- Drive Programs
- Drive Settings
- Drive FAQ
- Probe Types
- Dimensions
- Accuracy
- Calibration
- Probe Care & Maintenance
- Probe FAQ
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Power Test
- Battery
- Diagnostics & Log Files
- Repairs & Warranty
- Factory Reset
- Water Damage
- FireBoard Beta Program
FireBoard Beacon
The FireBoard Beacon is a state-of-the-art wireless temperature and humidity sensor, easily deployable in refrigerators, freezers, or key production zones within a facility for real-time tracking. Utilizing FireBoard-S1G™ technology, the Beacon establishes connections through a low-frequency signal, providing a substantial range advantage over conventional 2.4GHz connectivity.
Incorporating cutting-edge, cloud-connected technology together with the FireBoard mobile app, the Beacon makes reliable remote temperature monitoring and logging not only possible, Beacon makes it affordable.
The Beacon delivers real-time off-site accurate tracking of temperature-sensitive cold storage metrics via an internet connected smartphone, tablet, or web browser no matter the distance. Additionally, users can attach a 100K thermistor probe to the external port for monitoring elevated temperature or cooks as well.
The Beacon seamlessly integrates into the FireBoard App, ensuring straightforward temperature and humidity monitoring once paired with a FireBoard Cloud account. A key feature of the FireBoard App enables real-time alerts & alarm notification pushed to the users phone, SMS text message, or sent as email offering peace of mind, convenience and accessibility.
To utilize the Beacon, a FireBoard 2 series thermometer and FireBoard-S1G™ Antenna are prerequisites. Notably, each FireBoard 2 can monitor up to 32 Beacons with a single FireBoard-S1G™ Antenna, providing a comprehensive and efficient temperature monitoring solution.