Getting Started
- Welcome to FireBoard
- FireBoard Account & App Download
- Activate Your FireBoard
- Account & Activation FAQ
- Specifications
- Connect to Bluetooth
- Bluetooth FAQ
- Connect to WiFi
- WiFi FAQ
FireBoard App & Cloud
- Introduction
- Dashboard
- Sessions
- Alerts
- FireBoard Analyze™
- Advanced Settings
- Voice Control Devices
- FireBoard Cloud API
- FireBoard App & Cloud FAQ
FireBoard 2 Series
- FBX2 Series - Operations
- FBX2 Series - Screen Views
- FBX2 Series - Probes
- FBX2 Series - Device Specifications
- FBX2 Series - FAQ
FireBoard Spark
- Spark - Overview
- Spark - Settings
- Spark - Power Management
- Spark - Device Specifications
- Spark - FAQ
FireBoard Pulse
- Pulse - Overview
- Pulse - Getting Started
- Pulse - Device Specifications
- Pulse - FAQ
- Pulse - Troubleshooting
FireBoard Beacon
- Beacon - Overview
- Beacon - Getting Started
- Beacon - Device Specifications
- Beacon - FAQ
FireBoard (FBX11)
- FBX11 - Operations
- FBX11 - Screen Views
- FBX11 - Probes
- FBX11 - Device Specifications
- FBX11 - FAQ
Yoder ACS Controller
- FireBoard + Yoder
- Yoder FAQ
Drive Operations
- Drive - Overview
- Drive - Fan Installation
- Drive - Using a Fan
- Drive - Programs
- Drive - Settings
- Drive - Blower Specifications
- Drive - FAQ
- Probe Types
- Dimensions
- Accuracy
- Calibration
- Probe Care & Maintenance
- Probe FAQ
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Power Test
- Battery
- Diagnostics & Log Files
- Repairs & Warranty
- Factory Reset
- Water Damage
- FireBoard Beta Program
FBX2 Series - Probes
The FireBoard 2 and FireBoard 2 Drive kits come with 100K Thermistor probes, although they can also read RTD PT-100 and 10K Thermistor probes. The FireBoard 2 Pro kit comes with Typ-K Thermocouple probes.
Take a moment to become familiar with the Probes section, which covers probe types, care and maintenance, and common questions about probes.
Additionally, watch a short video overview of the FireBoard 2 probe ports below.
Updated November 15th 2024