FireBoard App & Cloud FAQ

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FireBoard App FAQ

How do I receive notifications in the app?
To receive Email/SMS notifications, make sure you have an active email and/or phone number defined in your account settings. See the Alerts section for more details.

What does the message “Waiting on temperature data” mean in the app?
This means that the app does not have new temperature data to report within the past minute. This could be for a variety of reasons, but is most likely related to connectivity. Ensure your FireBoard is connected to WiFi, and that your phone is connected to your FireBoard via Bluetooth.

Does the mobile app support dark mode?
Dark mode is currently available for iOS and Android users. Make sure you have the latest version of the App, then enable “dark mode” settings on your device.

FireBoard Cloud FAQ

How long is data stored?

Will I be charged? Is there a limit at which I get charged?